Does an ordinary,everyday citizen not have freedom of speech?,does an everyday citizen
have the right to testify in a court case at the supreme court,and last but not least,does every citizen
have the right to write a bill and have it go through the process to be either vetoed or passed.Well the
answer to these random questions are all answered in the U.S. Constitution.The Answers are yes.The
problem is, is that some of these rights were disrespected by President Marcus Young.
Amendment 1, in the U.S. Constitution, clearly states that every citizen has freedom of sp-
-eech and of the Press.So that means that weither you like it or not I'm going to say what I have to say
to get my point across. But that right did not stop President Young from ripping up protest signs,
threatening protesters, and stabbing a member of the congress because he disagreed with the iDeal
society. But these criminal actions did not get him impeached even though the congress and the citizens
tried so hard to have this accomplished. Ms. Sharde Miller had to be the most determined citizen to have
President Young impeached. The reason for this hostility is because Ms. Miller was one of the citizens
that was protesting about the iDeal society,her and the President had a few harsh words for each other
that day but the words that had Ms.Miller arrested were threats. The fued got so out of hand that these
two enimies had to go all the way to the supreme court to have this fued solved. The Supreme court
ruled in favor of Sharde Milller.
U.S. Citizens protested about the iChip being mandatory and to permanently stop the production
of the iChip. The U.S. Citizens got there point across to the H.O.R and they did not like the manditory rule.
so the president change the rule to only 18 and over citizens are allowed to get it if they want to. President
Young agreed to change the rule because he knew if the ideal society was going to be in effect,the bill had
to go through the H.O.R according to Article 1,section 7.In the end the H.O.R wrote a bill to ban the iChip and
President Young signed it because the citizens pretty much hated him at this point,so he wanted to redeem
himself so he passed the bill.Later on in the year President Young got his revenge against one of the H.O.R
The attack on one of the H.O.R members made President Young look even worst during his trial
against Sharde Miller in 2007. H.O.R member Hassaan Cooper testified against Young because of the attack.
H.O.R member Naasir Williams also testified against Young because of the attack.The relationship that Williams
has with the attack is that he was also involved.He was the one who defended Cooper, after he was stabbed in
the shoulder Williams stabbed Young,but then was arrested by Young's sercurity.Young was very angry about
these testimonies,but he couldn't argue about them testifying because of Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution.
In Conclusion, every citizen should have the right to write a bill and have it go through the process
to be either vetoed or passed.If an everyday citizen wants to protest they have the right to according to
Amendment1.Now even the President Young is still the President he has learned to respect and not violate
or abuse these rights.